If people let governments decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.His words ring almost prophetic as our countries collective health continues to decline with our increased reliance on allopathic medicine and industrialized food.. Even the most successful and lifesaving remedy, (the one largely attributed to our greater lifespan) antibiotics, in its escalating battle with germs, destroys our gut microbes needed for digestion, and creates nightmarish strains of resistant bacteria.
With the decline of national health comes decline of personal wealth. Health insurance rivals mortgage as our largest household expense, thus destroying our food budget. See the cycle? We now must feed ourselves cheaper, less nutritious food, guaranteeing our future need to utilize our insurance policies-driving the price for all, and escalating the cycle.
It's a state of slavery! We cannot pursue life, liberty, and happiness while chasing the growing amount of money needed to survive- chained to dehumanizing jobs, corporations who view humans as a way to balance the expense books to make the quarter look good for investors. We endure 60 hour workweeks for diminishing wages because we are "lucky" to be employed in this economy.
We lost our connection to the land- to the source. We forgot how to care for ourselves and outsourced everything we used to do for oursleves becoming chained to dollars. We traded farms for factories, then factories for cubicle offices, and the farther production moved from our home- the further we fell into desperately believing our daddy companies are "too big to fail". We gave companies that cared nothing about us the threadbare shirt off our back.
But as bleak as this seems- hope abounds. We are human. Our ancestors understood the land as our source and they had the skills to create abundance of real value. It's in us and we can learn to remember. By identifying and following 5 principles of food freedom we can emerge from this place, stronger than ever.
The following are what I've identified as those principles.
- Grow soil
- Source as close to home as possible
- Use and magnify the value of everything
- Create beneficial relationships with neighbors
- Stand by each-other in times of need
If we keep these principles in mind while achieving the goal of satisfying our basic need to eat- we'll take back our freedom. We'll trade corporate, state, and hospital reliance for SELF-reliance.
Unfortunately that quote is fake, according to the people at Monticello (who certainly ought to know their Jefferson quotes!)
Darn. I need to rewrite this info then because Jefferson say's enough awesome stuff not to have his real words diluted by the things we wish he'd said.